Asha Vihar - "place of hope"


Asha Vihar, "place of hope", was founded in 1995. Since then, it has been an ever-growing, developing community, a place of initiative and work. The team that works and lives here consists of Germans and Indians: Acupuncture practitioners, homeopathic doctors, physiotherapists, nurses and other good souls - and of a considerable number of volunteers and a respectable crowd of children!

Find more actual information on Asha Vihar the Place of Hope and the Johar-Society in our new flyer from 2013 which you can download here!


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The JOHAR-Hospital is a health project with diverse initiatives of care and support for the rural population of Jharkhand, India. Our guiding concept is holistic, encompassing help that conserves the original state and sensitively combines it with new ideas.

The JOHAR-Hospital is a project of the JOHAR-Society.


Our logo for downloading
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